
White Boy Rick is a American biographical crime drama film directed by Yann Demange and written by Andy Weiss, and Logan and Noah Miller. Based on a true story, the film stars Richie Merritt as Richard Wershe Jr., who in the 1980s became the youngest FBI informantever at the age of 14. Matthew McConaughey, Bel Powley, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Brian Tyree Henry, Rory Cochrane, RJ Cyler, Jonathan Majors, Eddie Marsan, Bruce Dern, and Piper Laurie also star.

The film premiered at the Telluride Film Festival on August 31, 2018 and was released in the United States on September 14, 2018, by Sony Pictures Releasing. It received mixed reviews from critics and has grossed over $25 million.

SCANable performed LiDAR scanning and modeling for the film.

Project Information

Yann Demange

Production Company:
Columbia Pictures

LiDAR/3D Scanning and Modeling:

Our Task

SCANable performed LiDAR scanning and modeling for the film.

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