FARO will launch a revolution in 3D at Intergeo 2010
The Point Cloud Tool for 3ds Max and 3ds Max Design allows you to:
* mental ray is a registered trademark of mental images GmbH licensed for use by Autodesk, Inc.
The Project Helix Technology Preview will be made available only for a limited time, so download Project Helix before June 20, 2011 and place your designs in context today!
If you would like to try the Point Cloud Tool for 3ds Max with a sample data set:
If you do not have access to YouTube videos, you can download the video from as 3ds Max Point Cloud Tools.mp4.
To experiment with Shape Extraction for AutoCAD, you can download some sample data. The zip file contains 5 samples: Cup.pcg, Football.pcg, Mandalay.pcg, Pipe.pcg, and Room.pcg.
To ensure the best experience for those participating, this technology preview is currently limited to: Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, Singapore, United Kingdom, and United States. We hope to expand to other geographies in the future.
The Shape Extraction for AutoCAD technology preview is licensed for a limited term and for a particular territory as referenced in the End User License Agreement. The technology preview will operate until February 1, 2011.
For those without YouTube access, the videos are available for download via this blog article.