
Secret Level is a science fiction television series that delves into the world of clandestine government experiments and their unintended consequences. Set in a near-future society, the show follows a group of unlikely heroes as they uncover a secret government facility conducting experiments that unlock extraordinary human abilities. With each episode, the team faces escalating challenges that push the boundaries of science, morality, and human resilience.

Visual effects play a pivotal role in Secret Level, bringing its futuristic world and groundbreaking scientific phenomena to life. From the depiction of advanced technologies to the manifestation of superhuman abilities like telekinesis, energy manipulation, and time distortion, the VFX team creates stunning, immersive visuals that elevate the storytelling. Realistic simulations, intricate digital environments, and seamlessly integrated CGI amplify the tension and wonder of each scene, making Secret Level a visually captivating exploration of the unknown.

Project Information

Dave Wilson

Victoria Howard

Production Company:
Amazon MGM Studios

3D Scanning:

Our Task

Provided LiDAR/3D Laser Scans of several sets/locations which were used for additional VFX.

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