American Primeval, a Netflix limited series, immerses viewers in the untamed American frontier, showcasing the raw brutality and beauty of the 19th-century wilderness. The visual effects play a crucial role in bringing this world to life, seamlessly blending practical and digital techniques to depict sweeping landscapes, intense battles, and the unforgiving elements.
From the visceral realism of gunfights and explosions to the intricate recreation of historical settings, the series uses cutting-edge VFX to enhance its storytelling. These effects not only ground the series in historical authenticity but also heighten the emotional and physical stakes, transporting audiences into the heart of a savage and evolving America.
Project Information
Executive Producers:
Peter Berg
Production Company:
Grand Electric/Film 44
3D Scanning:
American Primeval
Our Task
Provided LiDAR/3D Laser Scans of several sets/locations which were used for additional VFX for the Netflix series.