3D Laser Scanning of a Power Plant

Gathering detailed and accurate existing conditions data of congested on-shore and off-shore facilities is a major challenge for any retrofit project. SCANable’s experience and background using the latest technology to collect reliable as-built data for these types of projects has proven to reduce or eliminate costly field reworks, resulting in less down time and improved client/owner satisfaction. Our team is committed to providing your firm with real-world training and support services to ensure their safety and the safety of those working in the vicinity of these projects. Our staff also maintains all necessary safety, health, and environmental requirements and qualifications, and can serve as an additional part of your team allowing you to staff up or down as needed.

Our industry experts will train your staff on how to quickly process and register the point cloud data for immediate delivery to your clients. This gives piping designers the ability to easily run clash detection queries directly from the raw data without the need for time-extensive 3D models. For more detailed deliverables, SCANable has experience with most leading 2D and 3D piping design and asset management software packages and can provide the necessary training and support. SCANable has established long-term relationships with many of the leading oil and gas, petrochemical, and energy companies which have come to rely on our expertise and 3D laser scanning support services.


  • Asset Owners/Managers
  • Electric
  • Engineers
  • Equipment Manufacturers
  • Fabrication
  • Facility Managers
  • Oil and Gas
  • Offshore/Onshore
  • Petrochemical
  • Power

Typical Deliverables:

  • AutoCAD
  • Autodesk Inventor
  • AutoPlant3D
  • Microstation
  • PDS
  • PDMS
  • Point Clouds
  • SmartPlant
  • Solidworks
  • TruViews