The Underdoggs is a 2024 American sports comedy drama film directed by Charles Stone III and written by Danny Segal and Isaac Schamis. The film stars Snoop Dogg, Tika Sumpter, Andrew Schulz, Mike Epps, Kal Penn, Kandi Burruss and George Lopez.
The Underdoggs was released by Amazon MGM Studios as a Prime Video exclusive on January 26, 2024.
SCANable provided LiDAR/3D Laser Scans of several sets and 3D body scans of actors and props used for additional VFX for the film.
Project Information
Charles Stone III
Amazon MGM Studios
Production Company:
3D Scanning:
Our Task
SCANable provided LiDAR/3D Laser Scans of several sets and 3D body scans of actors and props used for additional VFX for the film.