“Teacup” is a critically acclaimed science-fiction drama that blends elements of heartfelt storytelling with mind-bending visuals. The series follows the journey of Claire Marlowe, a brilliant but reclusive scientist, who discovers a mysterious teacup that functions as a gateway to alternate realities. Each episode explores a new world, unraveling the complexities of parallel universes while forcing Claire to confront unresolved traumas and moral dilemmas. As she navigates these realities, Claire becomes entangled in a high-stakes race against shadowy forces seeking to exploit the teacup’s power.
Visual Effects’ Role in the Production
Visual effects were integral to bringing the world of “Teacup” to life. The series relied on cutting-edge CGI and compositing to depict breathtaking alternate realities, from neon-lit cyberpunk cities to lush, otherworldly landscapes. Detailed particle simulations and holographic projections brought the teacup’s interdimensional portals to vivid life, enhancing the narrative’s fantastical yet emotional core. Motion capture and 3D animation were extensively used to create non-human characters and surreal environments, ensuring seamless interaction between actors and digital elements.
By merging innovative visual effects with a compelling story, “Teacup” redefined the visual and emotional boundaries of episodic television.
Project Information
Executive Producer:
Ian McCulloch
Production Company:
Parkside Baroo, Inc.
3D Scanning:
Our Task
Provided LiDAR/3D Laser Scans of several sets which were used for camera tracking/matchmoving and 3D body scans of actors used for additional VFX.