
Imaginary is a 2024 American supernatural horror film directed and produced by Jeff Wadlow and written by Wadlow and the writing team of Greg Erb and Jason Oremland. It is co-produced by Jason Blum through his Blumhouse Productions banner and Tower of Babble.

The film stars DeWanda Wise, Tom Payne, Taegen Burns, Pyper Braun, and Veronica Falcon. In the film, a woman returns to her childhood home and discovers her stepdaughter’s imaginary friend is more than imaginary.

Project Information

Jeff Wadlow


Production Company:
Blumhouse Productions

3D Scanning:

Our Task

SCANable provided LiDAR/3D Laser Scans of several sets which were used for camera tracking/matchmoving and 3D body scans of actors used for additional VFX..

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