Halo follows “an epic 26th-century conflict between humanity and an alien threat known as the Covenant. Halo will weave deeply drawn personal stories with action, adventure and a richly imagined vision of the future.”[7]
Executive producer Kiki Wolfkill revealed that the series is a standalone story that takes place within its own “Silver Timeline” that is separate from and inspired by the core canon and lore of the transmedia franchise rather than a continuation, adaptation, prequel, or sequel, explaining that they wished to give the two Halo canons a chance to evolve individually to suit their media.
Provided 3D body scans of principal characters and stunt characters used for additional VFX. In addition to character scans, SCANable provided aerial photogrammetry for several location sets.
Project Information
Executive Producers:
Steven Spielberg
Paramount Plus
Production Company:
Amblin Television
3D Scanning:
Our Task
Provided 3D body scans of principal characters and stunt characters used for additional VFX. In addition to character scans, SCANable provided aerial photogrammetry for several location sets.
Recent Projects
In the dark, gritty, and exciting new Netflix Series, “Marvel’s Daredevil” follows the journey of attorney Matt Murdock, who in a tragic accident was blinded as a boy but imbued with extraordinary senses. Murdock sets up practice in his old neighborhood of Hell’s Kitchen, New York where he now fights against injustice as a respected lawyer by day and masked vigilante at night.
13 episodes were released on Netflix on April 10, 2015.
SCANable partnered with visual effects company Shade VFX for this groundbreaking project. Check out this amazing video showing before/after shots of some stunning visual effects scenes.
SCANable provided 3D scans of several of the sets and actors including Vincent D’Onofrio (Wilson Fisk), Scott Glenn (Stick), Rosario Dawson (Claire Temple), Deborah Ann Woll (Karen Page), Tom Walker (Francis), Toby Leonard Moore (James Wesley) and a couple of the actors who played drug runners. The set scans were used for camera tracking/matchmoving and the actor scans were used for additional VFX and World on Fire scenes. SCANable specifically worked on Episodes 5, 7, 8, 9, 12, and 13, but our scans may have also been used in other episodes.
Project Information
Executive Producers:
Stephen DeKnight & Drew Goddard
Production Company:
ABC Studios & Marvel Entertainment
Shade VFX
3D Scanning:
Marvel’s Daredevil
Our Task
Provided LiDAR/3D Laser Scans of several sets which were used for camera tracking/matchmoving and 3D body scans of actors used for additional VFX and World on Fire scenes.