Emancipation is a 2022 American historical action thriller film set in Louisiana in the 1860s after President Abraham Lincoln declared an end to slavery in the US. The film was directed by Antoine Fuqua and co-produced by Will Smith, who stars as a runaway slave headed for Baton Rouge. He must survive the swamps while being chased by slave catchers and their dogs. Written by William N. Collage, the biographical film is loosely based on the real-life story of Peter and/or Gordon, one or two formerly enslaved Black men whose photographs, including one of a bare back heavily scourged from an overseer’s whippings, were published as magazine illustrations worldwide in 1863, and gave the abolitionist movement proof of the cruelty of slavery. The film also stars Ben Foster as a ruthless slave hunter and Charmaine Bingwa as an enslaved wife and mother. The film employs an artistic desaturated color palette reminiscent of black-and-white film.
Emancipation had its first screening in Washington, D.C. on October 1, 2022, and was released in select cinemas on December 2, 2022.
Project Information
Executive Producers:
Todd Black, Joey McFarland, Jon Mone, Will Smith
Production Company:
Westbrook Studios
3D Scanning (Ground and Aerial):
Our Task
Provided LiDAR/3D Laser Scans and aerial photogrammetry of several location sets for visual effects support.