
Doom Patrol is an American web television series based on the DC Comics superhero team of the same name that premiered on February 15, 2019, on DC Universe. It is a spin-off of Titans, with April Bowlby, Brendan Fraser, and Matt Bomer reprising their roles, as well as Diane Guerrero, Alan Tudyk, Joivan Wade and Timothy Dalton joining the cast. Filming began in Georgia in late August 2018, and the first season consists of 15 episodes.

SCANable performed 3D scans of the actors for the series released in February 2019.

Project Information

Developed By:
Jeremy Carver

Production Company:
DC Entertainment/Warner Brothers

LiDAR/3D Scanning and Modeling:

Our Task

SCANable performed 3D scans of actors and other items for the series released February 2019.

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