
Crater is a 2023 American science fiction adventure film directed by Kyle Patrick Alvarez and written by John Griffin. It stars Isaiah Russell-Bailey, Mckenna GraceBilly Barratt, Orson Hong, Thomas Boyce, and Scott MescudiCrater was released on Disney+ on May 12, 2023.

Film Summary: After the death of his father, a boy growing up on a lunar mining colony takes a trip to explore a legendary crater, along with his four best friends, prior to permanently leaving the Moon and relocated to another planet.

SCANable was responsible for both character and prop scanning for the newly released Disney+ feature.

Project Information

Kyle Patrick Alvarez


Production Company:
Walt Disney Pictures

3D Scanning:

Our Task

Provided LiDAR/3D Laser Scans of characters and props for the Disney+ feature film.

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