
The Out-Laws is an upcoming American crime comedy film directed by Tyler Spindel, written by Evan Turner and Ben Zazove, and produced by Adam SandlerAdam DeVine, and Pierce Brosnan. The film stars DeVine, Brosnan, Ellen BarkinNina DobrevMichael RookerPoorna JagannathanJulie HagertyRichard KindLil Rel Howery, and Blake Anderson. Its plot follows a bank manager on his wedding week whose bank is robbed by criminals that he very strongly suspects might be his future in-laws.

The Out-Laws is scheduled to be released on July 7, 2023, by Netflix.

SCANable was responsible for scanning characters, vehicles, locations, props, along with aerial photogrammetry for the upcoming crime comedy.

Project Information

Executive Producers:
Adam DeVine and Adam Sandler


Production Company:
Happy Madison Productions

3D Scanning:

Our Task

SCANable was responsible for scanning characters, vehicles, locations, props, along with aerial photogrammetry for the upcoming crime comedy.

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